Playing cards become one of John's favoriate games now. He like to play picking red points (撿紅點), big 2 (大老二), sorting from 7 (排七), "heart-attack" (心臟病), and 21 points (21 點) sometimes.
picking red points (撿紅點) and 21 points can help him practicing adding numbers.
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John recently keep asking us about how to spell letters of animals or his classmate name etc.
At the beginning, he liked to play with us by finding a corresponding words of animal or his friends name from A to Z.
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When John was 4 year old. We played card by comparing which card number is bigger. John thought we are playing game of pocket monster.
I also tought him picking red point (撿紅點)
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John like to watch 交響情人夢 (JP drama), especially he want to be a conductor.
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