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 陽陽開始學中文了! 練習拼音時, 我們嘗試的問他是否了解他所念的字詞含義,他的回答總帶來歡笑!

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It is the second week of new school!  John make some progresses in school! 

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It is the 1st week of new school! John need more time to adapt new school.

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We just moved back and John is studying in one of taiwan school.   Since John studied in America school in the past 3 years, he hasn't spend too much time on learning Chinese.   Therefore, I spend more time to communicate with him and try to enahnce his ability of reading manderine.

After a playdate with yao-yao, I found yao-yao can read homework and some chinese book.

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Finally, we moved back to the conuntry where can use blog anytime.  We are so lucky to live in the country where can access to the internet I want!

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昨天禱告完後,John問我:為什麼pray最後都要講Amen? God的名字又不是Amen

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We are not able to browse this blog from home. I guess due to web lock out in the country. We will disappear from this blog for a while. In case you want to contact us, try to find Tim Lin or Erica Lu from facebook.

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最喜歡的城市或地方: 京都 (Kyoto), 魁北克(Quebec), 高地(High Land), Iowa state Univ. 
住過超過兩年的地方: 台灣, 美國, 中國

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昨天跟JohnTaxi去球場的路上我跟他說Grade oneKindergarten不太一樣,要學的東西會比較多他輕輕的回答我說,他知道過一會兒他突然說:Grade one is different to kindergarten and kindergarten is different to pre-school.


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那天John沒有約playdate,我叫他選擇家庭作業來做, 他選了數學, 我讓他先讀題目. 題目包含

中文注音拼音。因為太久沒練習拼音了, John寫了一下,覺得太難,就告訴我說不想做。我略帶生氣的告訴他, 那不要做算了, 以後你不認識字, 你自己負責。我發現到John 的眼眶泛紅了

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看來應該學習老先生剛開小吃店的精神: 堅守目標, 做好自己, 其他則視而不見, 聽而不聞!


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