目前分類:教育比較- Kids Education (5)

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去年讓小朋友參加了當地的暑期才藝幼稚園, 今年讓他參加了英式的兒童夏令營.  總覺得太強調學習, 缺乏讓小朋友適應新環境的活動設計與協助.

回想自己大學時期帶領救國團的自強活動或基層文化服務隊的經驗,  不論內容或花費, 總覺得遠比當下的才藝班或兒童夏令營好.

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當陽陽三歲時, 在公司的補助下選擇了一所美國學校.

當初的想法是覺得這所學校離家近, 而且感覺學校的人對家長與小孩相當友善.

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  It is about summer vacation period.   We arrange some summer camps for John.   Most summer camps will continue for 1 week.   John has more chance to face new environment and meet new friends.

  John is easy to cry in the morning at first separation from me as he know he need to face new environment and new friends by himself from now onward.

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John had birthday party on  last week.   S is  a elder sister of John's classmate.  She also joined the party with her mother.   Meanwhile, I tried talk to her as I found that it is not easy to find a 8th grade kid that will join  a 5-years-old party.  

She told me that she is studying in SAS.  I heard that there are lots of homeworks in SAS.   I randomly mentioned it.  Her 1st answer was that's OK.  After a few seconds, she said there are indeed some challenges on homeworks but she think it is good.

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John just finished preschool courses for age 5.   We got a child development profile.  It is interesting the see the difference between American school and my past memories in school or my career life.

In his child development profile, every comment is positive.   There are no score in the form.

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