目前分類:童言童語-John's talk (45)
- Aug 13 Wed 2008 21:08
- Aug 13 Wed 2008 11:43
星期六那天, 我們回宜蘭, 車子開過雪山隧道, 好多朵漂亮的白雲飄在好藍的天上. 陽陽和媽咪沿路上一直說著ㄋㄚˋ裡有rabbit, dog, dragon, monster, car... 很漂亮的景色, 沒有污染的天空是這樣的美麗. 不禁得讚美上帝創造萬物的神奇! 很久沒看到這樣的藍天了. 對陽陽來說, 應該是他懂得表達以來第一次他看到如此漂亮的天空!
就在媽咪說完ㄋㄚˋ裡又有monster的時候, 陽陽說了一句 "No wonder you want to be Taiwan People, the sky is so beautiful!" 有點無厘頭, 漂亮的天空跟台灣人有甚麼關係? 原來陽陽以為我們以做台灣人為榮, 因為只有在台灣他可以看到這樣無瑕的天空.
- Aug 13 Wed 2008 11:10
Kids love Mcdonalds. Don't understand why. One time, John mentioned he wanted to eat Mcdonalds and we told him we ate Mcdonalds only if we do not have anything to eat.
Couple months ago, we went to bank to set up another investment accounts. When everything was done, it was around 1pm. Tim and I was discussing where to eat and we came to a conclusion of buying Mcdonalds. When John heard the WORD, you could see his face turn to smiling. But he suddenly remembered the phases of "eat Mcdonalds only if we do not have anything to eat" and he asked me, "Mom, I though we eat Mcdonalds only if we do not have anything to eat". I told him because it was 1pm and we were not home yet. We did not have anything to eat now so we could eat Mcdonalds. He was quite satistified with my answer because he could eat Mcdonalds for the first time after he was born.
- Jul 13 Sun 2008 19:48
Ice Cream
Weather becomes hotter now. Ice Cream becomes a reward to John. After shower, John had few scoops of ice cream but he still felt not enough.
John: Mommy, I want more scoops.
- Jul 08 Tue 2008 20:41
John goes to MultiSport summer camp started from this Monday. However, Tim was a bit late to pick him up on his first day in MultiSport summer camp. John was upset so he told us he did not want to go to summer camp on Tuesday. In order to convince John, mommy told John...
Mom: John, 媽咪寫媽咪和爹地的電話給你,如果媽咪和爹地比較晚去接你,你不用害怕,你可以打電話給媽咪和爹地,這樣好不好?
- Jun 23 Mon 2008 20:29
take longer time as it is delicious
During meal time, John always take long time to complete it.
One day, we asked him why you always take such long time to finish your school lunch.
- Jun 23 Mon 2008 20:19
learning english by watching HBO
We used to tell John that we make money for you to go to school and learn english. He need to learn it well and come back to teach us.
One day, When I was watching CNBC, John asked me why I watched it. I randomly replied that I am leamning english.
- May 03 Sat 2008 20:21
This conversation happened in taiwanese language. Please translate into taiwanese when you read it.
There are several restraunts across the streets. One day, when we walk out for lunch, we pass one of restraunts that we ate once only because food is not good.
- Apr 17 Thu 2008 13:03
My brain tell me not to
Nichole (a girl) is one of his best firend when he is 3 years old. They play with each other frequently.
When John is 4 years old, John study in "honeybee".
- Apr 15 Tue 2008 19:00
We can't eat duck